31 October 2017

Tiara (Krismunando) Harley

Tiara (Krismunando) Harley

HDFS (FamR) alumna Tiara (Krismunando) Harley is a full-time Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher at Kennewick High School in Kennewick, Washington. She writes, “In my freshmen year at UH, I felt lost because had no idea what I wanted to major in. I also felt pressured to choose a major, which made it worse. I was introduced to FamR now HDFS— when I took the Human Development class. This was so freeing to me because when I saw the foundation of FamR and the career possibilities, I thought ‘This is me!’ I knew right away that FamR would be my major of choice. It lined up with the family values that I believed and lived by. I learned that there was a way for me to tie in my beliefs with my education. One of the main lessons that was consistent across FamR (HDFS) classes was to look at each person as a whole, their external and internal factors. As a teacher, I use this on a daily basis when working with my students.” 

After she graduated with her B.S. in FamR (HDFS) in Fall 2006, she got into the Masters of education in teaching Secondary education in 2009 and graduated in 2011. She worked as a Kama'aina Kids Leader/Assistant Coordinator, Coach, After-School Tutor, Educational Assistant, Lead Preschool Teacher, and Special Education Teacher.

She writes,”FamR (HDFS) trained me to look at whoever I am working with, whether peers or colleagues, from different angles and to be very thoughtful so that I can serve them in the best way possible. This degree taught me to look forward, to do research, and to plan ahead for myself, my family, and my career. The skills I learned through FamR (HDFS) have definitely stayed with me in my everyday life and the jobs I’ve had over the past ten years. I am so grateful to have been through an educationally excellent and meaningful program. Mahalo nui loa to the faculty and staff of Family Resources (HDFS) for making me a better person and a successful contributor to our society.”


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