21 January 2022

Aloha Kalani

Extension agent helped cultivate a county-wide base of Master Gardeners

Aloha Kalani

by Jari Sugano

Please join the Master Gardeners, Volunteers, and Urban Garden Center (UGC) as we bid a fond aloha to Master Gardener / Urban Horticulture Extension Agent, Kalani Matsumura. 

Kalani served as a Junior Extension Agent with Oʻahu County, Cooperative Extension, for the past five years. During his tenure, he led the Oʻahu County, Master Gardener Program, to be a successful Cooperative Extension program at CTAHR.

Never a day goes by in which there isn’t a call, email, or walk in with a home gardener question at the Urban Garden Center. Kalani helped to cultivate a county-wide base of Master Gardeners who service residents in Oʻahu County. We are appreciative of Kalani’s contributions to UGC, the Master Gardener program, and CTAHR.

Evidence of his success is more than 50 people are on the Master Gardener waitlist, ready and eager to participate in the 2022 program. Please join us as we bid aloha to Kalani as he transitions to new endeavors.

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