13 September 2017

Student Travels

Student Travels

CTAHR student traveled east and west recently to present their work.
Nutritional Science graduate student Surely Wallace (pictured receiving certificate) discussed the impacts of sweetpotato flesh and skin on the growth of probiotic bacteria in vitro at the International Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering and Life Science Conference in Okinawa. She was invited to return as a workshop chair in 2018.
Tropical Plant Pathology students Lilly Fatdal, Josiah Maquez, and Philip Waisen attended the Society of Nematologists meeting in Williamsburg, Va. They competed in the Nematology Jeopardy Game, received travel awards to present their papers, and participated in an information exchange. Waisen (pictured on right) received Western Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education grant support for his PhD research on “Cover Crop 5-in-1 Approach for Nematode Management Using Mustard and Oil Radish.”

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