7 June 2021

Welcome! And Welcome Back!

Volunteers attend orientation at Urban Garden Center

Welcome! And Welcome Back!

by Jari Sugano

Last month, approximately 60 volunteers entered the gates of the Oʻahu Urban Garden Center, via staggered entry times. The occasion was UGC Volunteer Orientation Day!

Given a stressful year of COVID-19 precautions, our CTAHR Extension agents, faculty, and staff had many activities ready and waiting to welcome back the returning – and new – UGC volunteers. Maps and instructions were provided to orient the volunteers to sign-in areas and new locations for first-aid kits, hand sanitizer, tool sheds, gardens, and more.

We hope you enjoy this short VIDEO of the revitalized grounds, which is looking better and better each day, thanks to the many, many hands making light work. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to everyone who contributed and participated in the revitalization of this important community resource and its alignment with CTAHR’s mission. A special aloha to:

  • UGC faculty, staff, students and volunteers who have beautified UGC in support of CTAHR’s educational mission
  • Oahu County ag technicians, Steve and Lianne Nagano, Shirley Garcia, Keiki Garden volunteers, Fruit hui members, Peace Garden volunteers, Rose Garden volunteers, Christine Hanakawa of 4-H,
  • Waterwise Garden volunteers, AAS garden volunteers, and more for preparing the grounds for this event
  • Bea Aragon-Balgas and Heidy Uno for UGC volunteer registration and confirmation
  • Jensen Uyeda and Lauren Baligad for the cover crop display and Brussel sprouts donation
  • Kalani Matsumura for pollinator seed and sprout giveaway
  • Destin and Jill Shigano for providing the refreshing shave ice
  • Laura Mizumoto and Susie Ota for the ono spumoni ice cream donation
  • Dale Sato, Tod Hale, and Austen Kaneshiro for raking the facility before the event and sign placement
  • Honolulu Rose Society members for hosting the Rose Garden Tour
  • Sensei Les for leading Tai Chi in the Peace Garden
  • Loke Kouhou and ‘ohana for helping with parking lot security
  • Amjad Ahmad for the mamaki tea demonstration and Shaka Tea giveaways
  • Audrey Hirayama of UH Foundation for the hand sanitizer donations
  • Bea Sailer for sharing plants cultivated by the Sprouts in the Upper Nursery
  • Susie Ota for the succulent donations
  • Fruit Hui members for hedge clearing, harvesting, and sharing UGC grown fruit
  • Josh Silva for the wonderful live music! and event set-up (tents, chairs, tables, sign mounting, etc.).
  • Private donors who provided funds to beautify the facility
  • UGC volunteers who continue to support UGC educational gardens with upkeep, beautification and so much more

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